Rotterdam gets manufacturing industry for hydrogen

Application for growth fund of around €80 million intended to kick-start Dutch manufacturing industry for electrolysers

Rotterdam, 27 February 2023

The Nederlandse Waterstof Delta consortium has handed over a plan to MPs Bontenbal (CDA), Boucke (D66) and Erkens (VVD) to kick-start the manufacturing industry for electrolysers and so accelerate the hydrogen economy. The plan – The Nederlandse Waterstof Delta – has been designed by 12 consortium partners. A grant application of around €80 million has been submitted to the Dutch National Growth Fund (Nationaal Groeifonds).

The plan will increase the Netherlands’ autonomy and aims to develop its own plants that can produce green hydrogen. The Nederlandse Waterstof Delta will supply installations with an annual production capacity of 1 GW from 2026. This will mean it can supply half of all the plants that the Netherlands needs to meet its interim climate targets by 2030.

The consortium has handed over a plan to MPs Bontenbal (CDA), Boucke (D66) and Erkens (VVD) to kick-start the manufacturing industry for electrolysers


The plants operate using a unique Dutch hydrogen battery called the Battolyser®, which and has been developed together with Delft University of Technology. The technology can store electricity and produce green hydrogen from renewable sources. The system produces hydrogen when there is plenty of wind and solar energy available and supply energy back to the electricity network when there is a shortage of wind and solar energy.

In 2026, the Nederlandse Waterstof Delta will realise un annual production capacity of 1 GW in Battolysers® in the Merwe-Vierhaven area (M4H). The Port of Rotterdam believes the manufacturing industry is the missing link in the Dutch hydrogen economy. Factories producing green hydrogen are being built on the Maasvlakte, for example, but the equipment for this is not currently manufactured in the Netherlands.

The Growth Fund grant application will also be used for research purposes and to scale up suppliers for a broad-based manufacturing industry. Investments will also be made in the H2 Innovation Hub where companies, start-ups, scale-ups, investors, researchers and the government meet each other to share knowledge and establish partnerships. This new cluster in the M4H area provides a space for technical training a well, which fits in perfectly with the area’s broader redevelopment plans.

About the Nederlandse Waterstof Delta

The Nederlandse Waterstof Delta consortium is comprised of Battolyser Systems, Port of Rotterdam, Platform Zero, Didak, Agfa Gevaert, Madern International, VSPARTICLE, Demcon, Delft University of Technology, Techniek College Rotterdam, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences and InnovationQuarter. Together, the consortium partners are developing and producing the critical components for electrolysers, assembling them at scale and creating an ecosystem, while also providing the necessary facilities and trained personnel.